About the Taxonomy Manager

The TaxonomyTaxonomy refers to the DNN classification system which uses tags to categorize content. Manager (AdminRegistered users who are members of the Administrators role. These users have full access to manage the site including adding, deleting and editing all pages and modules. Administrators also have access to the Admin pages located on the main menu. > Advanced Settings > TaxonomyTaxonomy refers to the DNN classification system which uses tags to categorize content.) enables the creation and management of tags that can be associated with pages See "Setting Page Details") and modules to classify site content. Depending on the skin used on the site, users may be able associate content with existing tags or create their own tags. The TaxonomyTaxonomy refers to the DNN classification system which uses tags to categorize content. Manager can be added to any site page. Authenticated users who have been granted view rights to module can see the list of existing vocabularies. Editors and Administrators can create and manage site specific vocabularies. SuperUsers can create and manage application wide vocabularies that are available to all sites.

The TaxonomyTaxonomy refers to the DNN classification system which uses tags to categorize content. Manager displays the following information:

The TaxonomyTaxonomy refers to the DNN classification system which uses tags to categorize content. Manager

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Other AdministratorRegistered users who are members of the Administrators role. These users have full access to manage the site including adding, deleting and editing all pages and modules. Administrators also have access to the Admin pages located on the main menu. modules that allow Administrators to optimize search results both within the site and for search engines.